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Key Details
Property Type Vacant Land
Sub Type Rural Acreage
Listing Status Sold
Purchase Type For Sale
Subdivision Tx
MLS Listing ID 10142801
Sold Date 01/06/22
Annual Tax Amount $59
Lot Size 18.670 Acres
Acres 18.67
Property Sub-Type Rural Acreage
Property Description
Beautiful bottomland on Little Cypress. 19 acres of large (some huge!) hardwood trees, creekside trail, frontage on Hwy 154 between Diana and Gilmer. Great hunting, camping, other recreation. Land Description: • Beautiful bottomland of Little Cypress Creek. • Mostly hardwoods, many large (some huge) trees, including White Oak, other oaks, holly, hickory, maples et al. • Very little underbrush; easy to see a distance and walk through without getting tangled up. • East line follows Little Cypress; very scenic. • Approximately 1637 feet of frontage on SH 154. • Property is under no surface leases at this time. • The tract is not being subdivided and must sell in one piece. • Adjoining land may also be available for sale to combine with this tract. • All the tract is in FEMA Flood Zone A, defined by FEMA as: Areas subject to inundation by the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event. Improvements: • No fences, but south line is marked (approximately) with red paint on trees and pink-and-black survey ribbon tied to tree branches. Taxes: Per Upshur County Appraisal District website, the real estate taxes as of 2021 were approximately $59 based on timber exemptions. Changing the use of the land could change the tax rate on the affected portion of the property. Taxing entities are: Upshur County, ESD #1, Gilmer ISD. Frontage: Approximately 1,637 feet on SH 154. Property Viewing Notes: You can look at the road frontage and walk onto the land. Yellow Farrell & Boswell signs on the front corners. The east line mostly follows the meanders of the creek. The south straight line is marked with red paint on some trees and pink-and-black survey ribbon tied onto branches. (Note: We have an adjoining 230-acre property to the south for sale, and it also has our signs on the corners and a large banner on the gate). GPS Latitude and Longitude (can copy and paste into Google maps) 32.70247 -94.80840
State TX
County Upshur
Area Upshur
Fence None
Sewer None
Water Other/See Remarks
Elementary Schools Gilmer
Middle Schools Gilmer
High Schools Gilmer
Acceptable Financing Conventional, VA, Cash, Texas Veteran Land Board
Listing Terms Conventional, VA, Cash, Texas Veteran Land Board
Financing Cash
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